Na instalação “Os Abanicos“, Andreia Tocha revela-nos novamente um jogo de luz e sombras, utilizando desta vez a luz solar. Partindo do popular “abanico“, as sombras são obtidas através de um padrão criado pela junção destes elementos. O padrão é-nos desvendado e representado no chão de forma dinâmica pela rotação do sol, levando-nos a entrar num imaginário de geometria árabe.
Festival Músicas do Mundo | FMM 2013 | Centro de Artes de Sines
With the installation Os Abanicos, a commisioned work for the Art Center of Sines, Andreia Tocha reveals once again a play of light and shadow, this time with sunlight. The shadows are obtained through the conjunction of over a thousand traditional hand-woven fans, or Abanicos. The pattern is unveiled on the stone patio in a dynamic dance following the rotation of the sun and undulating on the coastal breeze, leading us into the imaginary world of Arabic geometry. The artist uses the traditional fans, setting them at different angles and positions, to make shapes with shadows. Originally they are used either to cool ourselves or to make ready the coals for sardines.
Festival Músicas do Mundo | FMM 2013 | Centro de Artes de Sines